Wednesday, April 15, 2015


This past Sunday, April 12, 2015, we joined our friends from Farmers Market Hawaii at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign, in a peaceful gathering to support and help raise awareness in the fight against the building of another telescope on top of Manua Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Even though we are not Hawaiian we support our Hawaiian friends and family in their efforts to keep their lands sacred. 

It has been an ongoing battle toward Hawaiian Sovereignty and the voices of the Native Hawaiians need to be heard. 

Very few people know the facts about the Hawaiian culture. It's a lot more than the beautiful beaches and tourist attractions, the luau themed party you go to on a hot summer day, more than "hanging loose". It is a culture that loves and believes in the sacredness of  it's land and their upbringing that grows to teach their keiki and future generations the importance of where they came from and the ways of their ancestors. They strive to protect what is theirs. 

Friends of ours, Keoni Payton, Remon Cariaso, and Hano Hussey-Aken, stated it best in their posts on instagram this past week.

"I'm not the man or the leader in this movement but I do believe in it on all levels. Be it legal or spiritual, laws have been constantly broken here. With the success of @farmersmarkethawaii wether I like it or not it has become my Kuleana to do what I can and lend a Body, voice, and feeling to the cause."
 ~ Keoni Payton, IG: painkillers

"Moving out here to Vegas, I never knew there were that many Hawaiians living out here. Good people I tell you, they welcomed me to their homes, gatherings, and social events with open arms. They told me about what's going on back home in their islands. Very heartbreaking to hear sacred land is being demolished to put a telescope."

~ Remon Cariaso IG: remundo_

"EO" Hano needs no other words. His message is felt through his expression. " 
 ~ Hano Hussey-Aken   IG: ha_no_hano

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